Minimum Trainer Account Level: Level 30 for 100% IV, Little Cup, Great League, Ultra League, & 100% IV Shiny Pokemon
Prices of every PvP Pokemon will be differed based on their category:
$5.99 for 100% IV Pokemon
$14.99 for Great League & Ultra League Pokemon
$24.99 for Shiny Pokemon
$69.99 for 100% IV Shiny Pokemon
$89.99 for 100% IV Shiny Super Rare/Ultra Rare Pokemon
$7.99 for 100x Pokemon Candy
$13.99 for 100x Super Rare/Ultra Rare Pokemon Candy
$12.99 for 50x Pokemon Candy XL
$22.99 for 50x Super Rare/Ultra Rare Pokemon Candy XL
[LC] stands for Little Cup (CP Limit at 500 – only evolvable first stage Pokemon)
[GL] stands for Great League (CP Limit at 1500)
[UL] stands for Ultra League (CP Limit at 2500)
Egg Hatch Service will cost your Super Incubator – this is essential – if you don’t have Super Incubators, we will ask you to provide us first.
Egg Hatch Service will be varied in 2 km, 5 km, 7 km, 10 km, and 12 km eggs. Please tell us your preference which eggs do you want to put into priority. Prioritizing eggs will be explained further once you order the service by our Customer Service. Prioritizing eggs is aimed to give you the best output of spending your Super Incubators to get what you’re looking for.
XL means that the Pokemon would need to use Candy XL to reach the PvP CP
For Little Cup, Great League & Ultra League choice, you will only get the base Pokemon which need to power them up yourself to the mentioned PvP form in the selection. This Pokemon you’ll get will have that stated CP and become a Rank 1 Great League or Ultra League after you evolve and power them up to their stated Level. Do note that only Trainers with LV30 or above can power up their Pokemon to Lv40, and only Trainers with LV40 or above can power up their Pokemon with Candy XL.
All Shiny Pokemon Selection will be closed earlier than the other selection. Usually 2 days earlier than the other selection.
This particular service will always have different selections of Pokemon according to the weekly event that is currently going in Pokemon GO as they will boost the Featured Pokemon’s spawn-rate.
The list could always change in accordance to other type of events, such as releases of new Generation Pokemon.
This service is a Limited Time Service that will be closed by the last day of the Event.
This service package contains:
Special Task Completion
Limited Collection Challenge Completion
3x Random Wild Shiny Pokemon
100 IV Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, Wiglett, Mankey
15x 100 IV Kanto Pokemon (Other than what’s mentioned above and no doubles)
Rank 1 Great League Venusaur (Exclusive Move: Frenzy Plant)
Rank 1 Ultra League Venusaur (Exclusive Move: Frenzy Plant)
Rank 1 Great League Charizard (Exclusive Move: Blast Burn)
Rank 1 Ultra League Charizard (Exclusive Move: Blast Burn)
Rank 1 Great League Blastoise (Exclusive Move: Hydro Cannon)
Rank 1 Ultra League Blastoise (Exclusive Move: Hydro Cannon)
Rank 1 Great League Wugtrio
Rank 1 Great League Annihilape
Rank 1 Ultra League Annihilape
+1,000,000 Trainer XP
Rank 1 PvP Pokemon will be presented only in its initial caught/evolved form, you need to power it up yourself to the Great League or Ultra League CP. We will not use your candy to evolve them, even if we did, we will get the candy back to where your initial candy amount was before the service.
You will need to choose what League you want for your Rank 1 PvP Pokemon for the featured Pokemon in this service. There will be optional to add more League Pokemon for your PvP needs too!